Damien Molony live tweets for blood donation

Since July 2012, Damien has been making donations and encouraging others to ‘Save a life, give blood’. Today he made his sixth blood donation, sharing photos ‘live’ on his Twitter Page:


Over the past 2 years, Damien has raised awareness of the importance of blood donation with his ongoing twitter campaign, given an interview in NHS Donor Magazine and recruited blood donors with a picture of him as Being Human character, over 500 year old vampire Hal saying, “I’m thirsty”, during National Blood week last year.


He has also inspired many fans to begin giving blood, pledging to Re-Tweet anyone who sends him their own post-donation photo on Twitter.

Donating blood really does save lives. If you are generally healthy, over 17 and want to do something that takes little of your time but truly makes a difference, don’t hesitate, take action today. Not only will you be doing something amazing, but you will also be helping Damien’s own campaign for increasing blood donations and if you send your photo to him on twitter, you are guaranteed a Re-Tweet.

Visit blood.co.uk to find out where your nearest donation centre is and make an appointment today! take a friend, take your whole family and help spread the word!

Click below to find out more:

UK Blood Donations
International Blood Donations


Has Damien inspired you to give blood, or have your own inspirational story to tell? come and tell us about it here!