The Damien Molony Forum supports National Blood Week – Are you the #MissingType?


Missing Type 1


It is National Blood Week 8 – 14 June and here at the Damien Molony Forum we are supporting the Give Blood NHS campaign Missing Type.

The issue of blood donation is close to Damien’s heart, he first gave blood 12 July 2012 and has made a total of 8 donations since. He has inspired the Damien Molony fandom to donate with his twitter campaign and inspired us as a fansite to do what we can to help raise awareness and spread the word.

Hal even did his bit for National Blood week in 2013!

This year, Give Blood NHS are removing As, Os and Bs to help raise awareness of National Blood Week with the #MissingType campaign, to try to increase blood donations after a 40% decline in new blood donors over the past ten years.

We need over 204,000 new donors to come forward to replace people who can’t donate anymore and to make sure we have the right mix of blood groups.

You won’t miss it when you give it; but patients could miss it if you don’t. Do something amazing and save or improve up to three lives by giving blood.

If you’ve given blood before do something amazing today and book a session. If you’ve never donated then this is a great time to find out your blood type and visit a local event in your area.

The UK is getting behind the campaign with letters missing from signs on shops, cinemas and streets, even The Daily Mirror newspaper has removed letters from its front page.

Why not join the #MissingType campaign and remove the As, Bs and Os from your Twitter name or do something amazing and join Damien and countless fans inspired by him to #SaveALife and #GiveBlood.

Blood donations are the only source of blood for saving and improving the lives of patients with cancer, blood disorders and those suffering medical trauma or undergoing surgery. It only takes a short amount of time, is easier than you might think and comes with free biscuits afterwards!

For further inspiration, check out all eight of Damien’s blood donations below.

Donation #1

Donation #2

Donation #3

Donation #4

Donation #5

Donation #6

Donation #7

Donation #8


Donating blood really does save lives. If you are generally healthy, over 17 and want to do something that takes little of your time but truly makes a difference, don’t hesitate, take action today. Not only will you be doing something amazing, but you will also be helping Damien’s own campaign for increasing blood donations and if you send your photo to him on twitter, you are in with a chance of a Re-Tweet.

Visit to find out where your nearest donation centre is and make an appointment today! Take a friend, take your whole family and help spread the word! If you are unable to give blood, you can still make a difference by sharing this message and joining the campaign to encourage others.

Click below to find out more:

UK Blood Donations
International Blood Donations


To comment on National Blood Week and discuss with other fans, click here!

Have you been inspired by Damien to give blood? come and tell us about it here!


For more information on Damien’s blood donation campaign, check out the articles below.

Give the gift of blood this Christmas – Damien Molony continues to inspire fans to donate

Damien Molony live tweets for blood donation

National Blood Week – Damien Molony Wants to Recruit YOU!

Interview With A Vampire:  Damien Molony ‘A Blood Addict Giving Blood’

Do Something Amazing, Give Blood – Damien Molony Inspires Fans to Donate