DAMIEN MOLONY FORUM EXCLUSIVE: ‘Cool Gothic and the New Vampire’ BFI Panel Complete Transcript




We have an exciting exclusive to share!

Over the past weeks, your humble webmistress had the privilege of transcribing the full ‘Cool Gothic and the New Vampire’ panel event for the BFI and I am delighted to be able to publish it here first on damienmolony.org for your enjoyment.

The event was held at the BFI Southbank 4 November, hosted by writer and broadcaster Danny Leigh and attended by Damien and Being Human creator Toby Whithouse, with other creatives of the modern gothic on TV: Farren Blackburn (director The Fades), Lily Loveless (actress The Fades), Anthony Head (actor Buffy) and Dominic Mitchell (writer In The Flesh).

Damien and Toby shared fascinating insights into Being Human and Hal, the over 500 year old vampire who Damien portrayed in series 4 and series 5 of the show, as well as their experiences of horror and Being Human’s place in the gothic ‘tradition’.

The video excerpts below have already kindly been made available by the BFI.

The panel also featured a series of vintage to present day clips from gothic TV and film, as well as the panel discussion and an audience Q & A. The transcript is verbatim and has not been paraphrased, in order to give those who were unable to attend a more representational, authentic experience of the event.

With huge thanks to the BFI for making this possible.


Click below for the transcript of the entire event, and please feel free to comment here.

BFI Cool Gothic transcript cover


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Video Footage: Damien Molony and Toby Whithouse on Cool Gothic and the New Vampire BFI Panel

Damien Molony and Toby Whithouse talk ‘Being Human’ and ‘Cool Gothic and the New Vampire’

Damien Molony and Toby Whithouse on ‘Cool Gothic and the New Vampire’ panel at BFI